AboutBox About Spelling System wwwwwwwwwww Form2* Pic_ApplicationIcon wwwwwwwwwww Lbl_Spelling Spelling Practice Lbl_Version Version 1.00 Lbl_Author Author: John I. Sommer III Pic_HorizontalLine Lbl_Info Lbl_InfoValues Cmd_OK System GetFreeSpace wFlags GetWinFlags WF_STANDARD WF_ENHANCED WF_80x87 Form_Load0 WinFlags Processorb Remove_Items_From_Sysmenu: AboutDlg Screen Width Height Lbl_Info Caption Lbl_InfoValuesC Cmd_OK_Click ColorPalette Pic_ColorPalette Lbl_RGBValues Lbl_SelectedColor Lbl_Redq Scrl_RGB Txt_RGBe Pic_RGB Pic_SelectedColor Lbl_Green Lbl_NearestSolidColor* Lbl_Blue Pic_NearestSolidColor Cmd_OKX Cmd_Set Cmd_Reset AboutBox Pic_ApplicationIcon_Click Lbl_Info_Click Lbl_Author_Click Lbl_IconWorks_Click Lbl_Spelling_ClickJ Lbl_Version_Click Pic_HorizontalLine_Click? VIEWICON MODELESS viewer ShowEnd Lbl_InfoValues_Click Lable_Infol Kernelt Kernel Form_Load Dialog Boxes should only have Move and Close items in their System menus', so remove the others. Center the AboutBox on the screen Get current Windows configuration Display configuration values in Lbl_Info.Caption and Lbl_InfoValues.Caption (NOTE: CRLF variable causes a line break in a labels caption) 386 Enhanced Mode" Standard Mode" Free Memory: Math Co-processor: Present" ####0" Cmd_OK_Click